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Structure sockets provides access to TCP/IP sockets for interprocess and network communication.

Open-socket creates a new socket. If no port-number is supplied the system picks one at random. Socket-port-number returns a socket's port number. Close-socket closes a socket, preventing any further connections. Socket-accept accepts a single connection on socket, returning an input port and an output port for communicating with the client. If no client is waiting socket-accept blocks until one appears. Get-host-name returns the network name of the machine.

Socket-client connects to the server at port-number on the machine named host-name. Socket-client blocks until the server accepts the connection.

The following simple example shows a server and client for a centralized UID service.

(define (id-server)
  (let ((socket (open-socket)))
    (display "Waiting on port ")
    (display (socket-port-number socket))
    (let loop ((next-id 0))
        (lambda ()
          (socket-accept socket))
        (lambda (in out)
          (display next-id out)
          (close-input-port in)
          (close-output-port out)
          (loop (+ next-id 1)))))))
(define (get-id machine port-number)
    (lambda ()
      (socket-client machine port-number))
    (lambda (in out)
      (let ((id (read in)))
        (close-input-port in)
        (close-output-port out)

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