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Hash tables

These are generic hash tables, and are in the structure tables. Strictly speaking they are more maps than tables, as every table has a value for every possible key (for that type of table). All but a finite number of those values are #f.

The first four functions listed make various kinds of tables. Make-table returns a table whose keys may be symbols, integer, characters, booleans, or the empty list (these are also the values that may be used in case expressions). As with case, comparison is done using eqv?. The comparison procedures used in symbol, string, and integer tables are eq?, string=?, and =.

Make-table-maker takes two procedures as arguments and returns a nullary table-making procedure. Compare-proc should be a two-argument equality predicate. Hash-proc should be a one argument procedure that takes a key and returns a non-negative integer hash value. If (compare-proc x y) returns true, then (= (hash-proc x) (hash-proc y)) must also return true. For example, make-integer-table could be defined as (make-table-maker = abs).

Make-table-immutable! prohibits future modification to its argument.

Table? is the predicate for tables. Table-ref and table-set! access and modify the value of key in table. Table-walk applies procedure, which must accept two arguments, to every associated key and non-#f value in table.

Default-hash-function is the hash function used in the tables returned by make-table, and string-hash it the one used by make-string-table.

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